Our committees advance the mission and objectives of the Chamber. Your involvement provides an opportunity to understand better and influence issues while connecting with other business leaders and decision-makers.
Check the Monday Upcoming Events e-blast for meeting dates and locations.
Ambassadors Committee
Meets the first Tuesday at 4:00 PM at alternating locations. Check the SACC Monday Upcoming Events e-blast or contact the Chamber for up-to-date information.
This committee is responsible for retention of members by welcoming and assimilating new members to Chamber functions as well as both visiting and surveying members throughout the year.
Chair – Christina Fuller, First Shore Federal Savings & Loan
Vice-Chair – Jennifer Lefebvre, The Talk of Delmarva
Meeting times and locations vary. Check the Monday Upcoming Events e-blast or contact the Chamber for up-to-date information.
This committee establishes goals and implements programs designed to enhance the physical beauty of our community.
Beautification Committee
For more information email chamber@salisburyarea.com
Eastern Shore Leadership Institute
The SACC proudly presents the Eastern Shore Leadership Institute, a new leadership development training initiative The ESLI recruits the best instructors in our region and pairs them with those seeking to advance their leadership skills and partners with local employers to help develop and train employees, teams, and staff.
Chairman: Eric Johnston, InFocus Financial Advisors, Inc.
Learn more online at easternshoreleaders.org
Education Committee
Meets the second Tuesday at 8:00 AM at alternating locations. Check the SACC Monday Upcoming Events e-blast or contact the Chamber for up-to-date information.
This committee addresses issues, topics & initiatives relevant to all levels of education in our community. Creates partnerships between educational institutions and community-based organizations and businesses.
Co-Chair – Rick Briggs, Wicomico County Board of Education
Co-Chair – Aaron Guy, Pohanka Automotive of Salisbury
Eldercare Committee
Meets the third Tuesday of every other month at 8:30 AM at Coastal Home Care, 224 E. Main St. Suite B, Salisbury, MD 21801.
This committee addresses issues, topics & incentives within the eldercare industry.
Co-Chair – Jonathan Coffey, Coastal Home Care
Co-Chair – Amy Hedger, Coastal Home Care
Government and Business Affairs
Meets the second Thursdays at 8:30 AM via Zoom. Contact the Committee Chair for meeting link.
This committee works to identify, analyze and address issues affecting the business community.
Chair – Greg Reddell, State Farm Insurance
Lead Share Committee
This group helps businesses grow their visibility and engagement in the business community through open networking and structured lead sharing opportunities.
Chair – Cat Curran, GSB Media
Group 1 meets Tuesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Leader – Paula Nichols, Motif Expressions Promotional Products
Group 2 meets Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Leader – Cat Curran
Group 3 meets Thursdays, 8:00 – 9:30 AM
Leader – Cristina Rubio
Marketing Committee
Meets the fourth Wednesday of every other month at noon at varying locations.
Provides members with educational opportunities to enhance their public relations, marketing, and communication skills. In person presentations and online webinars are led by SACC members in the marketing industry featuring topics and strategies relevant to the regional business community.
Chair – Jenni Pastusak, D3
Young Professionals Committee
Meeting times and locations vary. Check the SACC Monday Upcoming Events e-blast or contact the Chamber for up-to-date information.
The SACCYPs welcome all member representatives between the ages of 21-35. The Young Professionals Committee offers opportunities for professional development, community outreach, and networking to support the growth stage of one’s career. Committed to the growth and development of local young professionals.
Dan DiGrazio, R&R Coatings
Jesus Cruz, The Insurance Market
Vice-Chair – Ryan Johnson, Avery Hall Insurance