Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic

The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic, presented by Spicer Brothers Construction, will be held on October 2, 2025, at River Marsh Golf Club in Cambridge, MD.

This is the SACC premier networking event of the year, where business experts and community leaders from all over Delmarva gather for a golf tournament like no other.

Participants say this tournament is unique, enjoyable, and an excellent opportunity to connect with colleagues and make new connections!

The day’s festivities will begin with registration and breakfast starting at 8:00 AM, followed by a 50/50 Ball Drop on the driving range.

The shotgun start is at 9:00 AM. Registration for foursomes or single-player includes:

  • greens fees, golf cart fees, breakfast, beverages, a goody bag, and range balls
  • group photographs after the event
  • awards luncheon after the tournament

You can even try your luck at the Hole-In-One contest, sponsored by Pohanka Automotive of Salisbury!

After eighteen holes of fun, top teams will be recognized at the Awards Luncheon.

Sponsorship packages are available at all levels, including promotion through all Chamber marketing outlets.


Platinum Sponsor – $2,000

Includes two foursome teams, one interactive hole, greens fees, golf cart fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, a goody bag, range balls, and group photographs, banner placement on golf course, two tee signs, sponsor board, social media, SBYBiz, & media recognition

Ball Sponsor – $1,500

Includes company logo printed on tournament balls (1 sleeve to each player and 12 dozen to sponsor) interactive hole, two tee signs, sponsor board, social media, SBYBiz, & media recognition

Putting Green Sponsor – $1,500

Feature your business with fun interactive games or prize giveaways!

Includes one foursome team, one tee sign, greens fees, golf cart fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, a goody bag, range balls, group photographs, sponsor board, social media, SBYBiz, & media recognition. Bring table and/or tent.

Gold Sponsor – $1,000

Includes one foursome team, one interactive hole, one tee sign, greens fees, golf cart fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, a goody bag, range balls, group photographs, sponsor board, social media, SBYBiz, & media recognition

Luncheon Sponsor – $500

Includes one tee sign, sponsor board, social media, SBYBiz, & media recognition

Pin Flag Sponsor – $300

Includes logo printed on pin flag, (yours to keep after the tournament), sponsor board, social media, SBYBiz, & media recognition

Foursome with a Tee Sign – $675

Includes one foursome team, one tee sign, greens fees, golf cart fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, a goody bag, range balls, and group photographs

Individual Player – $175

Includes greens fees, golf cart fees, breakfast, lunch, beverages, a goody bag, range balls, and group photographs

Tee Sign Sponsor – $125

Includes logo printed on tee sign to be placed on course during tournament

Mulligan Package – $30

Includes three chances for the 50/50 Ball Drop Raffle

Please forward all player names and handicaps NO LATER THAN September 22, 2025, to Cindy Morgan Chambers at